EP 144 "Born Dead, Foster Care, Prison, Entrepreneur, Pastor" with Cody Ford, Worthy People

In this episode, we begin our conversation with Cody Ford of Worthy People. Cody was born dead to a drug-addicted mother and as a result has scars all over his body to this day.

He survived the projects, the foster care system, and life on the streets at 18 years old. At 20 years old in the Texas prison system, 3 years into his sentence he desired a new way of life. When he learned his worth in Jesus, it changed him and he never looked back.

Now Cody and his wife lead a ministry and travel to prisons with the message to remove the labels of society by seeing and accepting all people as Jesus does.

We talk about everything from sports to addiction, to prison, to ministry. You will laugh, cry, be inspired, and motivated, but most of all.....

...you will know you are WORTHY.

Check out his podcast on his youtube channel or Pando. They are a top trending podcast in prisons and jails all over the nation.


Click on any link to find out more about them or follow them on social media.


IG: https://www.instagram.com/worthypeopl...

FB: https://www.facebook.com/worthypeopleorg

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